Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Confiscated Snowglobes

Someone emailed me last night to buy my extra Tower of Terror Snowglobe. They were at WDW last week and the one they purchased was confiscated at the airport because of the no liquids rule.
I understand that security is just doing their job but don't you think that's stupid?
I wonder what happens to all the snowglobes they are confiscating?


Anonymous said...

There is a sign in front the SWs at the park stores that warns you about that. It's better to mail it or buy it on ebay....

Deysi (Daisy) said...

i actually read an article about how those people "the confiscators" actually sell them later on ebay(this article was written by someone who does it)... how interesting don't you think? it also upsets me that you risk getting your globes broken if you don't take them on top with sad.

Deysi (Daisy) said...

here is the url to one article i just found which states that they sell the confiscated items on ebay to create a profit for the state, and that they sell about 98% of the things they confiscate:

zapjones said...

I found an article claiming the name of the ebay seller for florida and several other states is allstatesurplus but when you look on ebay that name comes up with 0 listings.

Anonymous said...

Also, don't forget Disney DelivEars. You can buy a globe at any park and have them ship it to your house rather than take it yourself. And, if you don't go to a park but want a park exclusive globe, you can just call them. No need to go to eBay.

I've bought many a globe overseas, and know that a successful trip home means a big suitcase and lots of padding.
